Momma Courageous

Parenting Teens With Courage and Candor

More About Me...

I am a mother of four who is insanely passionate about raising kids who are responsible, compassionate, curious, ethical and fun. I am often considered a cross between Mary Poppins and a drill sergeant, but who asked? By day, I am a social media enthusiast, Internet marketer, wife, mother, friend, tennis junkie and owner of Wonderfish Creative Solutions.

Another Tid-Bit

While Momma Courageous is For Mommas and By Mommas, there is definitely something for anyone who has considered pulling out her hair, divorcing the kids, or laughing to keep from crying. So if you've braved the unthinkable and lived long enough to tell the world about it, feel free to share your stories about parenting teens with courage and candor here. Together we will survive these years of teenage angst.

Ten Things I Should Make Sure My Daughter Knows Before She Goes to College

It just hit me like a ton of bricks that Gabrielle will be going off to college in the fall. Wow. Wasn't it just yesterday.... To be honest, somedays I'm pleased as punch that she'll be out of the house, and although I should have, I've pretty much told her that. Of couse she dittoed my sentiments, but such is life with a house full of teens. But today, I had a startling thought: What if I haven't taught her everything she needs to know? OMG! Never fear, Momma Courageous. Your Facebook, Blog and Twitter fans will come to your rescue.

I posed the question on FaceBook, and I've received some great and insightful comments already. What say you? What are 10 things I should make sure my daughter knows before she goes off to college? I've gotta hear from you soon....I have less than eighth months to pull this off!


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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent