Momma Courageous

Parenting Teens With Courage and Candor

More About Me...

I am a mother of four who is insanely passionate about raising kids who are responsible, compassionate, curious, ethical and fun. I am often considered a cross between Mary Poppins and a drill sergeant, but who asked? By day, I am a social media enthusiast, Internet marketer, wife, mother, friend, tennis junkie and owner of Wonderfish Creative Solutions.

Another Tid-Bit

While Momma Courageous is For Mommas and By Mommas, there is definitely something for anyone who has considered pulling out her hair, divorcing the kids, or laughing to keep from crying. So if you've braved the unthinkable and lived long enough to tell the world about it, feel free to share your stories about parenting teens with courage and candor here. Together we will survive these years of teenage angst.

Paperwork Trumps Prom Parade

I would love to spend the rest of the evening scouring the Web for pretty little dresses for Gabrielle's upcoming prom (I've already received my marching papers...Floor length. Chest in. Back out). I even found this cool upscale consignment shop on the Web that has the most amazing dresses at prices my husband would even give me a high five on.

But....duty calls. Instead of giving way to the reverie, I had to slap myself back to reality. These doggone financial aid forms for college are not going away, and someone has to spill the beans about the cash we need to send our little one off to school in the fall.

I'm embarrassed to say it, but I spent just 10 minutes filling out the CSS preliminary profile before my eyelids began to shut involuntarily like the train doors at Hartsfield International Airport. Gosh. Could they have made this process any more intimidating?

I know. I know. Filling the forms out is way more important than finding frou frou dresses and boutonnieres, but I'd rather have my eyelashes pulled out one by one than do this....okay, I take that back. I'm on track now.  I'm focused. It's Momma Courageous vs. FAFSA! May the best woman win. After all, the last time I checked, no dress ever paid for four years of college.

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