AskWifey Goes to Disney's Social Media Moms Conference
Just think, the first ever, family-friendly social media conference for moms included conference sessions and private parties throughout the 40-square mile entertainment complex. Not only did Wifey and her entire family get to escape the snow and experience the magic of Walt Disney World, they also got to hear from topnotch speakers like Chris Brogan, Guy Kawasaki, Maxine Clark, MaryEllen Hooper, and more.
For a meager $350 she got a hotel room for Feb. 10, 11 & 12 at Walt Disney World, conference sessions, Theme Park tickets for herself and up to three family members during the conference, and select meals for the conference attendee. Gesh! What's a woman gotta do to get in on cool deals like this! Perhaps I need to start hanging out with and The BlogRollers, the social media marketing group Lorraine heads up with her buddy Christie Glascoe Crowder, the head honcho of the popular Chatter Box Show.
Okay, all hateration aside, I can't wait to read AskWifey's blog this week because she always has the best posts and cutest pictures. Next year, I'm soooooooooooooooo there! Don't forget me, Wifey!
OMG! How cute was this post! You are too funny and I LOVE THIS BLOG! Thanks for the shout out to me too (pardon me as I blush) We'll be chatting about the conference on my show Monday (2/15). I hope you'll listen in...if it's not too painful ;)
LOL, Christie. I'll definitely be tuning into the show on Monday, 2/15. Yes, it will be painful, but all angst aside, I can't wait to hear all about your trip. You guys are the best. Thanks for the love! Keep up the great work!